So, in this article about latest strains, If I ever read another VICE article on the differences between Hybrids ,Sativas & Indicas, I might just lose my mind. I’m pretty sure its AI writing most of those articles these days, while they might have some pertinent information in all that fluff, none of it is beneficial in telling the difference between real or fake strains. While they claim there is no certain way to 100% with certainty state what is and isn’t a hybrid, indica or sativa. That might be true with latest strains that have been crossed a billion times over but doesn’t fully apply to original & latest strains that where more dominant in their grow stages where there is a known difference between growth structure, and the perceivable high.
Not knowing if a strain is truly 100% a particular type isn’t the same as knowing the differences between strains, the type of high they produce, the flavor they give off and the type of high they give. If someone gave you a pound of OG but you clearly can smell and see that it’s a pound of gelato, that means there is a difference and it’s a complicated science to it but its basic as well. Being a smoker over time, learning about marijuana, brings many of us to be able to tell what strand a particular plant may be. I can tell you what strain your holding just by the smell, just by the colors or by the structure. This will vary with totally latest strains but even a connoisseur would be able to tell you what the make-up of that strain is.
As a smoker, I want to know that what I’m purchasing is what I’m told it is. As a company, we strive to make sure that every latest strain we have on our menu is exactly the strain we say it is. This is a major concern for many smokers and it’s a concern for us to ensure we are bringing the proper product to your hands. We are constantly testing latest strains and product to make sure the flower is tested, smokes properly and has the flavor profile it should. Doing basic testing is a must for any marijuana weed delivery service. The reality is there are many growers out there and many farms producing marijuana and the clients need to sift through many pounds of similar product to find the diamonds in the ruff. That might sound corny but its the truth. Hundreds of thousands of pounds can be available at any given moment which are coming from all over the country and much of it can be of lower quality.
Brooklyn Curbside has been your weed delivery experts for many years now, delivering exotics and AAA marijuana latest strains to the delight of all our customers. This can only happen when a company sells what they say they do. That is how we have stood in business all these years delivering weed to all the neighborhoods in New York. Our customers know that we show our strains right on our page and what your order is exactly the strain you will receive. This also applies to the products we sell, such as marijuana vapes and weed edibles. We want you to have trust in us so that when you order a 8th of sour diesel or an ounce of jedi’s swift knuckle(lol) that it is what it’s supposed to be, and we stand behind that.
Some companies or dealers of the black market are purchasing marijuana strains through 4th or 3rd parties and don’t have a true connection with actual growers or farms that produce exotic strains and that’s the difference between having a real place to get weed delivery and wondering if what you just bought is the real jet fuel or real jack herer. All our strains are tested and checked to make sure they match the strain they claim they are. We ensure you are receiving the proper strain and ones that are of high quality with a great smoke and awesome taste. Whenever you are the need for queens weed delivery or brooklyn weed delivery then simply text us at 718-747-9797 with the latest strains and products you would like and one of our drivers will get that out to you usually in less than an hour,